FX Gains and Losses and Balance Sheet Hedging

Explore why businesses face FX gains and losses in international trade and how accountants can implement simple Balance Sheet programs.

Most businesses that trade internationally have FX gains and losses in their accounting systems and, if they are material enough, in their statutory reports.  Their accountants often shy away from explaining these numbers to them. Even fewer would dare to guide their clients on minimising such losses.  Yet, the answer is often simple - a straightforward Balance Sheet hedging programme.

Understanding FX Impact

At the core, it's essential to grasp how foreign currencies affect business finances. Fluctuating exchange rates can lead to significant FX gains or losses, impacting the bottom line.  These numbers are automatically produced by accounting systems, rarely looked at in great detail unless there is a big problem and thus rarely understood by business owners and their finance teams.

A Well-Trodden Path - Balance Sheet Hedging

Balance sheet hedging programmes have been used by businesses to minimise the impact of currency fluctuations on financial statements for years. Such a programme can be contained on a single-page document and have a simple goal - a zero number in the FX gains and losses line.  The principle is simple - identify any material balance sheet items in foreign currencies and take steps to remove the sensitivity to FX swings, usually by hedging with FX forwards.

Effective Hedging Strategies

A few different techniques are worth considering when deciding how to deal with FX gains and losses:

  • Period-Based Hedging: This traditional approach involves setting hedging actions for fixed periods, offering consistency and predictability.
  • Dynamic Hedging: A more flexible strategy, adapting to changes in balance sheet items and allowing for real-time adjustments.
  • Exposure Netting: This technique minimises risk by offsetting exposures in opposite directions in the same currency.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Timely and accurate financial data is the backbone of successful hedging. It allows for precise risk assessment and informed strategy formulation.  Systems like HedgeFlows can streamline this process by connecting to existing data in ERP or accounting systems.

Pifalls to Avoid

Overhedging and underhedging are common mistakes. Balance is key to avoiding unnecessary costs or exposure to risk.


2024 promises to be another uncertain year. Mastering balance sheet hedging is essential for avoiding FX gains and losses.  It's not just about mitigating risks; it's about empowering your clients to thrive in a global market.

Learn more about Hedgeflows

Discover how HedgeFlows industry experts can help you identify and quantify FX risks with tools to manage them. 

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Tech 100

HedgeFlows is a cloud-based risk management system for smaller corporates that trade internationally.

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