Finance Leaders, The Machine And Us

On Thursday the 20th of October, GENCFO North hit Leeds once again to discuss the topic of ‘Finance and the Machine – Are CFOs dancing to a new tune?’ with the Northern GENCFO community.

Our expert panel was made up of Chris Argent, GENCFO’s MD, Mark Laine-Toner, Evri’s Finance Director, and Ed Blomfield of Parade Consulting – and the audience was made up of Northern accounting and finance leaders. We were also joined by Javed Bobat from our partner for the event, Fide.

The discussion

They asked and answered some key questions, like whether accounting and finance professionals should be afraid of automation and robots, and what the cost is for people who do not want to turn to digital transformation.

The blockers for this transformation were considered, and then the panel went into how one might go about beginning their journey with automation and digital transformation.

If you would like more detailed takeaways from the panel themselves, visit the GENCFO North Squad on our community platform.

The networking

After the discussion, the networking began. It was now that the audience connected with each other, shared conversations about themselves and talked about their relationship to digital transformation over some delicious canapes.

Many praised the panel’s interesting takes on the topic and variegated experience levels with automation.

The attendees shared their thoughts on automation and how they have or will implement it. It wasn’t all serious when we discussed ‘Finance and the Machine’, however!

The fun

We also unveiled the brand-new GENCFO picture frame, and got some great pictures of some of our guests which you can see in our #GENCFONorthSquad on the community platform. There are other great pictures on there too, as well as extra content about the night.

All of our attendees had a great time, and we’re excited to see them all again (plus some new faces!) at the next GENCFO North in Leeds.

Does this sound like an evening you would enjoy?

Then why not join us when we return to Leeds? The guest list is growing already!

Click the button below to find out more…

Register your interest for the next GENCFO North



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Olivia Wing, Customer Success Manager, GENCFO

Olivia is an author at GENCFO as well as being the Community Success Manager. Read her articles on everything from events, agility, hot topics in finance and interviews with key finance and accounting industry figures.

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