exec membershipTech Clinic

Tech Butler Service for Finance Leaders

If you are an Exec Member, you can book a quick call with Chris Argent, a seasoned ex-CFO and transformation expert, to discover which technology suits your business and drives high performance and sustainability in change and transformation.

This isn’t traditional consulting; it's a sounding board, offering impartial advice and connecting you to the right solutions – your Tech Butler!

Avoiding Technology Overwhelm

From experience, Chris knows the issues finance leaders face when it comes to technology implementation; it can be overwhelming. Not only is it a costly investment, but, according to McKinsey and supported by our members, 70% of digital transformation projects fail. So, we have created this unique Exec Membership benefit to help reduce that statistic.

P.S. You are not alone; many members have felt the same, and our Tech Butler service has helped them reduce that overwhelming feeling.

How can I access the Tech Clinic? 

That is simple; if you are an Exec Member, you can book a slot convenient for you with Chris via our Tech Clinic page on our Community Platform.

Become an Exec

"GENCFO brings together the new world of digital and the new class of modern accounting and finance into one collaborative group.”


Claire Bennison

"GENCFO is different because it is the only forum that focuses on how digital tech can help CFOs."


Tanbir Jasimuddin,