Review And Approve Soldo Expenses With Our New Feature

You can now validate your employees expenses made using a Soldo card using our new expense review functionality.

We all know the headache of waiting until the end of the month to review expenses and approve or deny payments made by your teams. 

It’s a hassle to manually collect expense reports and chase colleagues for receipts (some of which have probably gone missing). And there’s no joy in populating Excel files or printing expense notes and rifling through receipts. 

There’s also the problem of time. Checking and approving expenses one by one burns hours. 

But with our new expense validation feature, you can consign these challenges to history.

Here’s how: 

Review and approve expenses easily 

When a payment has been made on a Soldo card, you can review it and approve it if it complies with your spending policy. If it doesn’t, you can request more details from your employee about the expense to help you decide whether to approve or deny it. 

Forget about manual expense reports 

Forget the eternal struggle of chasing expense reports manually. Just review and approve spending as it happens on your Soldo cards, then request missing details in a few clicks – so expense reports are done right away. 

Deploy a smart, decentralised review process 

With this new functionality, you can allow line managers to review and approve their team’s purchases so they can stay on top of spending, with distributed control for more autonomous teams. 

Find out how you can benefit from this feature.

Find out more


Soldo is the prepaid Mastercard® company card that does your business expenses for you. Control, track and report spending all in one place.

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