The Modern CFO's Balancing Act

Financial leaders today balance the need to manage an increasing level of business complexity with the need for speed. You’re expected to keep your eye on multiple entities with multiple regulatory frameworks and multiple currencies.

Think that’s complicated? Now add frequent change to the equation. A monthly financial check-in isn’t good enough for today’s CFO. You need the agility to make decisions at a moment’s notice – and those decisions must be based on the real-time financial truth.

Here’s the question:

In today’s complicated business climate, is your accounting software helping you grow and compete – or holding you back?  

With so many alternatives for financial applications available today, business leaders need to know the implications of all the options on offer: on-premises, hosted, and cloud computing. Ultimately, cloud computing is about capitalising on a new software delivery model that accelerates payback of a larger ROI and better aligns the financial organisation with the new dynamics of growing businesses.  

With Sage Intacct, the industry leading cloud finance management software built for growing businesses, you too can gain real-time visibility and automate time consuming processes with easy-to-use cloud software that grows with you.  

So why not grab a free £5 coffee voucher for Café Nero or Costa on Sage Intacct and join our Coffee Break Demo where you’ll get a sneak peek of Sage Intacct in action along with a Q&A to get all your questions answered. 

Find out more


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Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct is a sophisticated and powerful cloud-based financial management system that delivers the automation and controls around billing, accounting, and reporting.

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