Our Mission

To make current and future CFOs the heroes of the next generation of sustainable, high-performing businesses.


where it BEGAN

Our community was founded in 2009, in the early days of digital finance transformation.  

Chris Argent, an accounting professional who had been through several transformation programmes with leading-edge corporations, established GENCFO on LinkedIn, initially as a means of sharing his knowledge and expertise with his peers.


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We understand the traditional confines of the accounting and finance role, but through knowledge and sharing of wisdom between today’s leaders, believe we can influence and create new possibilities for your businesses. 

Acquiring the most up-to-date skills in data and digital requires continuous learning and business collaboration. We strive to help make this happen. 


empowering the EVOLUTION

We will meet the best-of-the-best, the heroes already out there and share what they know. We consolidate the latest thinking and insights into reports that make it easier for you to digest and see what to action next. We partner with leading finance organisations. 

We create community events where you can network and hear big-thinking leadership speak. 


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community FIRST

“I believe in the power of our profession to transform business for the better.

The energy, goodwill and ambition in the community we have created makes me incredibly proud. And why not have lots of fun doing it!” 

Chris Argent, MD & Founder, GENCFO


the future is GENCFO

Our mission is all about helping you become an empowered finance leader through networking and knowledge.

Start your journey of becoming a CFO hero today.

Become a member


“The stalwart of progressive finance leaders of 


Selina Butterfield-Mashoofi, 

"GENCFO is different because it is the only forum that focusses on how digital tech can help CFO’s."


Tanbir Jasimuddin,